sydney's site...

time marches on....

Mar 1, 2015 4:05 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk


was setting up to post this in February screenies when I spotted it was March already on the rainy.... really snuck up this month.....year disappearing already....

pretty hot here for March....


what ya wearing on your screens as the seasons are changing for you...   [e digicons]:sun:[/e]


love to drive that road.... looks like something the Top Gear guys have done already.....  



210 Replies Reply 57 Referrals

...and a bigger house to put it in...

Jan 26, 2015 12:34 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

"Have you seen the largest picture ever taken? For the record, it's a mammoth 1.5 billion pixel image (69,536 x 22,230) and requires about 4.3 GB disk space. Oh, and it'll take your breath away.

On January 5, NASA released an image of the Andromeda galaxy, our closest galactic neighbour, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The full image is made up of 411 Hubble images, takes you through a 100 million stars and travels over more than 40,000 light years. Well, a section of it anyway".




puts things in perspective doesn't it...  [e digicons]:|[/e]

8 Replies Reply 5 Referrals


Oct 1, 2014 4:50 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Halloween  is creeping up on us...        


Join in the Wincustomize competition and start working on something for Halloween desktops...

Whether you're expert at Evil...

or specialise in Spooky...

or competent at Creepy...

great at Ghouls...

terrific at Tombstones...

or proficient producing Pumpkins...

make no bones about it.... you qualify for entering the competition...


 see details here... 


102 Replies Reply 42 Referrals

roll out the Autumn/Spring desktops

Sep 2, 2014 7:29 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Spring has sprung in Oz... though you wouldn't know it today... chilly and raining...and snow predicted in the alpine areas.... [e digicons]:snowman:[/e]     but looking forward to some warmth soon...  [e digicons]:sun:[/e]

'Sintrone' is coming soon as well... hopefully, when the Borg returns to his hive... he's on the Borg ship at the moment...  [e digicons]:borg:[/e]


lovely, refreshing, highly usable blind... refined tonings and design for daily use with a citrus splash...  [e digicons];)[/e]



What's new on your desktop for Autumn/Spring?... go on... I showed you mine... you show me yours....      [e digicons]:blush:[/e]   [e digicons]O:)[/e]     [e digicons]B)[/e]  



AKULA  by vStyler has  f i n a l l y  arrived at WC... preceded by a great range of accessories... walls, sysmetrix, docks, rainy, winstep, DX gadgets & widgets galore... a suite builders delight...    link..

so, time to...spring..into action for that new desktop...     

or make an autumnomous decision to spruce up that screen...   [e digicons]:-"[/e]


181 Replies Reply 69 Referrals

what're you wearing?

Jun 30, 2014 2:21 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

July 1st and it's a tad chilly Downunder...     hope those with some summer warmth are making the most of it...   [e digicons]:sun:[/e]


I'm wearing "AKULA",  masterskin by vStyler... subtle smokey tonings with aqua highlights...and perfectly vCrafted and polished as usual..    link...

Plenty of accessories for this little beauty too... and more to come...    link...   

C'mon now... time to breakout the printscreening...   [e digicons]:)[/e]


91 Replies Reply 77 Referrals

screenshot away...

Mar 31, 2014 2:24 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

You can always tell a skin by a Master... uncluttered, classy, stylish and ultra usable... & 'Delta Quadrant' has that Master stamp....    [e digicons]:borg:[/e]


'Delta Quadrant' may be... far out....   [e classic];P[/e]   .. but it's not far away....    

...and only a fool would not be heading to the gallery to check this out today....   [e digicons];)[/e]     [e digicons]B)[/e]


Time to be hitting that print screen button and show us your April decorating...    


71 Replies Reply 14 Referrals

Happy Birthday Tim :)

Mar 5, 2014 2:04 PM by Discussion: Community


Our resident Borg has assimilated 4of0... resistance was futile...   [e digicons]:borg:[/e]

He now has 40 years of collective memories... which makes him a hive of information...

Luckily, he is not aboard the Borg Ship during this assimilation process....and can celebrate with his collective where he is known as 1of5 (or 2of5 depending who you ask...  [e digicons];)[/e]   [e digicons]O:)[/e] ).... and head to the alcove for a nice regeneration....


I won't drone on any longer and just wish him....

Happy Assimilation Day 2of3, from all us flawed, carbon-based units....    [e digicons]:borg:[/e]






well.... it is today.... in OZ.... [e digicons]:|[/e]    but you're all behind... [e digicons]X|[/e]    so, consider this... a head start....  [e digicons];)[/e]   can never start too early..   [e digicons]|-)[/e]   [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e]


25 Replies Reply 14 Referrals

put some Metall in your March ;)

Mar 1, 2014 3:30 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk


It's March 1st here in Oz... and I'm testing my mettle.... er... Metall....   [e digicons];)[/e]


Our Community Project "Metall Tech" is steaming ahead with a number of accessories already uploaded and lots more to come.... something for everyone's desktop...  [e digicons]|-)[/e]


Edit:     the accessory list is nearly completed...a couple more walls and maybe a Rainmeter and we're just about done....   link...

below is a screenie of many, but not all, of the accessories available... just too many to include all... a real treasure chest for customisers...  [e digicons]:)[/e]

Thanks to all the skinners... cheerleaders and the blind creator, bleumart, for such a fun project...   [e digicons]:sun:[/e]





so go on.....put some Metall in your March...   [e digicons]B)[/e]

103 Replies Reply 21 Referrals

whatya got cookin' on ya monitor time...

Aug 1, 2013 5:36 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

August 1st... and I'm still diggin' this wall... this time with LCD...


Have a creative August everyone... and show us how you're doing it here...   :)



112 Replies Reply 38 Referrals

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